MetaApes Club Roadmap

2 min readDec 30, 2021


The MetaApes is a full time project for us now and it will continue to be after the public sale. Below is what we’re working towards in the short term. Each milestone unlocks when a certain % of apes have been minted. Future developments will be decided and voted upon by the DAO community.

10% Some of Apes NFTs will be airdropped to our early adopters and fanbase.

20% After completing 8,888 MetaApes asset airdrop, you can freely trade and store your NFT in OpenSea.

30% The second round of free airdrop whitelist registration, creating the original activity and consensus of the community.

40% MetaApes NFTs mint opens.We ramp up our Discord and social media management, which will include a pack of community managers and moderators to bring our Ape community to the moon.

50% MetaApes rarity is open, the top 100 richest list is announced, and exclusive privileges to enter the MetaApes club and other holders.

60% The MetaApes NFTs Earn function is open. The competition for assets with crown attributes began.

80% Release most of the liquidity in the secondary market and enter the metaverse ecology.Build a community and DAO governance model.

100% The rest of the fate of this project will be determined by YOU, the DAO! Together, we plan to make this an ultra strong, fun loving, community!

Airdrop arrangement

10% of MetaApes NFTs will be allocated to Polygon chain users who trade on Opensea, thank them for their contributions to Polygon and Opensea.

5% of MetaApes NFTs will be allocated to users who bring activity and liquidity to the community in the early stage, and they have established the most primitive consensus.

MetaApes NFTs(Polygon chain symbol is ape)Distribution

MetaApes NFTs ERC721 contract address is 0xd0690e29f3ae2deb0bbff048bcea681c85b65c9f

Polygonscan URL:

Double check the polygonscan URL and contract address to avoid scams.

There will be 99,999 total MetaApes NFTs, and the distribution is as follows.

  • 15% airdrop to Lucky fans
  • 25% Holder incentive
  • 20% Farmer incentives
  • 10% Ecological construction
  • 3% Partnership and exchange relationship
  • 2% Team and early investors
  • 25% DAO governance

MetaApes Dao

The process of holding and collecting MetaApes NFTs is the process of DAO governance power formation.

The governance standard comes from the sum of each MeatApes NFT RarityScore.

MetaApes NFTs with crown attributes have greater power because they are very rare.

The goal is to derive more Metaverse assets through the governance of MetaApes DAO, and continue to bring value and return to MetaApes NFTs holders.

